"We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer."

Book Cover
Dick LaFountain's book "Spending Time Alone With God" is for training God's people to develop joyful and intimate times of prayer alone with God. It is not available in bookstores. The book, manual, and workbook have been tested on the Internet for the last 12 years with a tremendous response from churches, pastors, and prayer organizations. It is a great tool for teaching people to pray as never before.

This book is only available online. For the low discounted price of $10.00, plus $3.00 shipping and handling. You can use your credit card securely with PayPal or use your own PayPal account.

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If you need an even larger number of books we can lower the price even further, just e-mail me directly at dicklaf@zoominternet.net or calling me directly (cell phone 724-372-1979).

WorkBook Cover

The Helps Manual & Workbook is now available! You can only buy it online here or on our www.PrayerToday.org web site.

It is a follow-up workbook and helps manual for "Spending Time Alone With God." We provide you with tools, helps and exercises to help you implement the six disciplines of prayer that will forever change the way you pray. The Tools, Helps & Workbook Manual is available only online for $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Buy multiple copies for groups and save more. 5 Copies for $35.00 plus $5.00 Shipping.

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Two Books

Buy both books at one time and save more. Buy "Spending Time Alone With God" and "3 Minutes Alone With God" and save money and shipping costs. When you buy both at one time for
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