"We exist to train God-hungry people in the disciplines of prayer."

Stinkin Book Cover This is a long-awaited book based on the preaching series, Stinkin' Thinkin'. It is grounded in the Word of God that teaches us, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) It is our negative thoughts that make us sad and dysfunctional. They are hidden thoughts we unconsciously repeat to ourselves every day. Those repetitive negative thoughts become our true beliefs, and those beliefs trigger negative emotions. Pastor Dick teaches that every emotion is triggered by a thought. Negative emotions are triggered by negative thoughts. Positive thoughts produce positive emotions. Negative thoughts are not God's thoughts, but contradict what God says is true. Hebrews 12 calls these "bitter roots" that trouble us and defile those around us. This study explores the mysteries of our secret thoughts and exposes our Stinkin' Thinkin'.

We explore subjects like feeling unloved, perfectionism, insecurity, anxiety, complaining, anger, lust, depression and suicidal thoughts. You can buy the book here or download a larger format of 8.5" x 11" in PDF format to print out for group studies. IT IS TOTALLY FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND USE. You'll find it helpful in understanding your moods and those of others. It is 215 pages, which includes an Appendix with self-diagnostics and tools to improve your thought life.
$14.00 discount price
(Regular price $15.95 elsewhere.)

This book is a study of God's power to heal today. Pastor Dick explores James 5 and God's instructions for the prayer of faith that heals with practical illustrations, stories of healings, and procedures to follow.

"Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well;" $10.00

This book is a study of the believer's Identity In Christ. In our day many are searching for their true identity. It is not to be found through psychology, astrology, or philosophies of men. It is found only in the Word of God.

"I am not who I feel like I am. I am not who I think I am. I am not who others think I am. I am who God says I am! Therefore I will declare His truth concerning me. It includes an in-depth study of 31 Biblical statements of who you are in Christ, and 150 other affirmations of Who You Are in Christ."

Order 5 copies for $40.00

If for some reason you do not wish to use PayPal you may send me a note requesting the number of books you want to order, and send a check made out to Richard LaFountain Ministries, Inc. Box 132, Grove City, PA 16127. It would be helpful to send me an email letting me know your order. They are $10 each plus $3.99 shipping and 6% Pennsylvania tax. That makes it $14.59 each. If you want more than one I can give you a discount, just ask. pastordicklaf@gmail.com

This a 31-DAY DEVOTIONAL BOOK of the believer's Identity In Christ. You will enjoy a devotional thought each day for 31 day and you meditate on who God says you are. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.

Download a free devotional in PDF FORMAT.

Book Cover Dick has written this autobiographical book to inspire future generation of Christians, especially his own grandchildren. He wants to encourage young believers to surrender their lives wholly to God and believe Him for great and mighty miracles.

Dick shares his 75 years of miracles and events that shaped and influenced his life. Some of these real life stories will make you laugh, others will make you cringe, and some will stir your heart to tears. Read a few chapters NOW! But a copy now for $8.00.

This book is a testimony of a 21st century church that experienced that manifest presence of God in a dramatic way. This mysterious presence of God has hovered over a congregation for nearly a decade. It proves to us that God is indeed still on the throne, his hand is not shortened that he cannot save, heal, deliver and manifest His glorious presence among us. He is still the same yesterday, today and forever.

It includes an in-depth study of the Shekinah Glory of God that manifested itself in both the Old and New Testaments. Buy it now! $10.00

Order 5 copies for $40.00

Book Cover In 1982 Pastor Dick's 12 year old daughter was killed by a speeding car. Her suffering and untimely death was at first disappointing then devastating.

Dick shares his personal experience of shattered faith and deep depression that followed. Through a miracle of God's amazing grace and the counsel of wise men he was able to wade through those dark years of deep depression and grief. His hope and prayer is that this story may help others who have experienced a shattered faith. Read a few chapters NOW! Buy it now! $10.00

Book Cover Spending time alone with God is difficult for many Christians. Even pastors find it difficult to discipline themselves to spend significant time alone with God each day. Dick shares his own struggles and journey toward deeper intimacy with God.

This book is a practical guide to transforming the way you pray, making it easy for anyone to begin a lifetime journey of intimacy with God. Following six simple steps found in the Lord's Prayer you can begin to transform your prayer experience. Spend just 3 minutes a day on each step and you will soon find prayer a joyful and even fun discipline. Buy it now! $10.00

For international orders ASK FOR DOWNLOAD PASSWORD for Spending Time Alone
I will send you a PDF version of this book AT NO COST.

WorkBook Cover 3-Minutes Alone with God is a follow-up to Spending Time Alone with God. Dick has taught these 6 steps to intimacy with God to his congregations for over 30 years

Pastor Dick has now transformed bulletin inserts and teaching hand-outs into an easy to read, easy to follow, guide that serves to give tangible resources to help churches and individuals make prayer enjoyable. Included in these TOOLS & HELPS is a handy WORKBOOK to help you spend a day or days alone with God without getting bored. Buy it now! $10.00

For international orders ASK FOR DOWNLOAD PASSWORD for 3-Minutes With God
I will send you a PDF version of this book AT NO COST.

Here is a wonderful 40-day devotional on some of the Old Testament names of God. There are over 700 names of the Lord Pastor Dick has archived over the years.

This is a guide to 40 Old Testament names of the Lord in an easy to read 40-Day Devotion on the names of God. Each two-page devotional is followed by a practical application, a prayer, and questions and discussion guidelines for small groups. Buy it now! $10.00

There is no sweeter name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. No one ever painted his portrait except God himself through His Word. God has given us many pictures of Jesus through his names, attributes, descriptors and titles.

This is a guide to 40 New Testament names of the Jesus in a easy to read. Each two-page devotional is followed by a practical application, a prayer, and questions and discussion guidelines for small groups. Buy it now! $10.00

"Cross My Heart" is a compilation of promises of God for each of his children. We have formatted each verse as a memory card.

Dick shares 360 promises in 31 categories of the Christian life, such as Promises for Faith, Protection, Provision, Strength, Temptation, Healing, Comfort, Anxiety, Worry, Fear, Peace, Forgiveness, Assurance, Restoration, Doubt, Safety, Rest, Suffering, Loneliness, Shame and much more. It is a great help for every believer.

Download it here.

"Claiming His Name" is a compilation of 240 Names of the Lord presented throughout Scripture for the child of God to claim the strength and provisions of our Heavenly Father.

We have formatted each verse as a memory card. It includes instructions for how to use the Names of the Lord. The Lord wants to be to you what He has declared himself to be. This is the heritage of all God's children who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Download it here.

"I Remember Mama" is a tribute to Pastor Dick LaFountain's praying mother. He wrote it for her while she was confined to a nursing home to encourage her that her work was not in vain in raising six children.

This little tribute was shared around the nursing home among nurses and clients and left many in tears. We hope you enjoy it. It is a FREE download in PDF format. It is a FREE download in PDF format.

Download it here.

"The Joy of Giving" is a 40 Day devotional booklet the biblical principles of giving and sacrifice for God’s kingdom. It has been used as a church-wide resource during building campaigns.

Each day is a short devotional on a Scripture regarding giving and an illustration or example of giving freely. It is also a great resource for sermon material on stewardship.

Download it here.

This is a handy 8 1/2 x 11 booklet with 365 of God's precious promises organized according to your daily need. Whatever your need from God he has alreaddy promised it to you. Oh, search and see that the Lord is good!

Pastors print it out for your congregation. It is a tremendous resource and encouragment.

Download it here.